Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Stack ( ADT ) Data Structure
* Stack is an ADT woks on the principle Last In First Out (LIFO)
* The last element add to the stack is the first element to be delete.
* Insertion and deletion can be takes place at one end called TOP.
* It looks like one side closed tube.
* The add operation of the stack is called push operation
* The delete operation is called as pop operation.
* Push operation on a full stack causes overflow.
* Pop operation on an empty stack causes underflow.
* SP is a pointer, which is used to access the top element of the stack.
* If you push elements that are added at the top of the stack;
in the same way when we pop the elements, the element at the top of the stack is deleted.,
For example the following Fig give an idea about the stack.
From the above Fig 01 it is clear that the size of the stack is having 4Locations and sp = -1 indicates that the stack is empty and we can push the new elements into the stack. Now the fig 02 shows how the stack grows, when we push an elements 12, 13, 14 into the stack. The fig 03 shows the status of the stack after popping 2 times. Now performing (one more) pop operation one more time on the above stack causes an error known as "stack under flow". The fig 04 shows the content of the stack after pushing 16, 17, 18, and 19. If you try to add one more element stack generate error "stack over flow".
Operations of stack:
There are two operations applied on stack they are 1 push 2. pop. While performing push & pop operations the following test must be conducted on the stack.
1) Stack is empty or not
2) Stack is full or not
Push operation is used to add new elements in to the stack. At the time of addition first check the stack is full or not. If the stack is full it generates an error message "stack overflow".
Pop operation is used to delete elements from the stack. At the time of deletion first check the stack is empty or not. If the stack is empty it generates an error message "stack underflow".
SP stack pointer whose initial value is -1
max_stack is the size of the queue
stack [] is an array
Element is the elements to be added or deleted
Algorithm to push elements into the stack :-
step :- 1) start
step :- 2) take the element to push into stack
step :- 3) If (Sp == max_stack)
display "The stack is full"
{ Sp = Sp+1
stack [Sp] = item
step :- 4) return to main program
Algorithm to pop elements from the stack :-
step :- 1) start
step :- 2) if (Sp == -1)
display "stack is empty"
{ element = stack[Sp]
Sp = Sp -1
step :- 3) return element
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Double Linked List
Doubly linked list (or) Double linked list :-
Double Linked list is a fundamental data structure used in computer programming. It consists of a sequence of nodes connected by two pointers in both directions. Each node is having three parts the first part contains the address of previous node and second part contains data and third part contains address of next node. The first and third part is called address fields and the second part is data field. The start pointer always points to the first node of a list. The graphical representation of a node structure shown in the fig

From the above fig the node is containing 2 pointers.
1. Pointer1 is pointing to the previous node.
2. Pointer2 is pointing to the next node.

Doubly linked list can be represented as above fig. in doubly linked list it is possible to traverse both forward & backward directions. It is also called two way lists.
Operation applied on double linked list:
· Inserting an element
· Delete element from the list
· Find the length of the list
· Read the list from left to right or right to left
· Copy a list
· Sort the elements in either ascending or descending order
· Combine 2 or more list
· Search a list
Algorithm to add an element to an existing list:
It is possible to add element to an existing list in thee ways they are add at the front, add at the end of the list, add after a node of the existing list.
Assumtion start always contains the current list start node address.
>next stands for next node address

Add node at the front of a list
Step2. n->right = start
Step3. start->left = n
Step4. start = n

dd node at the end of a list
Step1. Create a new node
Step2. t = start where t is a temporary variable.
Step3. Traverse the tree until t->right = null
Step4. t->right = n
Step5. n->left = t

Add node after a particular position or a node
Step1. Create a new node.
Step2. t = start where t is a temporary pointer variable
Step3. Read position p from console.
Step4. Traverse the list until the position p
Step5. if not found the position error “no such node exist “: go to step 9
Step6. n->right = p->right
Step7. n->left = p
Step8. p->right = n

Insert node after second (2) node

Single Linked List
Single linked list: -
Single Linked list is a linear data structure. It is used as a fundamental data structure in computer programming. It contains a collection of nodes which are connected by only one pointer in one direction. Each node is having two parts the first part contains the data and second part contains the address of the next node. The first part is called data field or information field and the second part is called as link field or next address field.
The graphical representation of linked list is
Hear the pointer start always points to the first node of a list and the end node is represented by special value called NULL.
Need for linked representation :-
The following problem arises when it is implemented by using arrays
1. Wastage of storage
2. It is not possible to add or delete in the middle of a list with out rearrangement
3. It is not possible to extend the size of a list
To overcome all the above problem by implementing the list using linked representation. In linear lists insertion and deletion operations are inexpensive.
Operations applied on single linked list:
The basic types of operations applied on single linked list are
1. Inserting a new element at the given position
2. Delete the element from the given position
3. Find the length of the list
4. Read the list from left to right
5. Retrieve the ith element
6. Copy a list
7. Sort the elements in either ascending or descending order
8. Combine 2 or more list
Algorithm to add an element to an existing list:
It is possible to add an element to an existing list in three ways they are
1) Add at the front
2) Add at end of list
3) Add at position
Assumptions :
1) start is a pointer which always points to the first node of a list
2) ->next stands for next node address
Add at the front of a list
Step1: create a new node
Step2: newnode->next = start
Step3: start = newnode

Add at the end of a list
Step1: create a new node (newnode)
Step2: t = start
Step3: while (t->next != NULL ) t=t->next;
Step3: t->next = newnode

Add after a node of a list (position)
Step1: create a new node (newnode)
Step2: read the position of the node p;
Step3: t = start
Step4: traverse the list up to position as
for (i=1; i
Step4: newnode->next = t->next;
Step5: t->next = newnode

Algorithm for delete an element from the list
it is possible to delete an element from an existing list in three ways
· Delete at front
· Delete at end
· Delete at a position
Delete at front:
Step1: t1 = start
Step2: start = start->next
Step3: delete (t1)

Delete at end :
Step1: t = start;
Step2: traverse the list up to n-1 nodes as
For (I =1; I < t =" t-">next
Step3: t1= t->next;
Step4: t->next = t->next->next;
Step5: delete ( t1 )

Delete at position:
Step1: read the position of the deleted node p
Step2: traverse the list upto p-1as
For (i=1;i
Step3: t1 = t->next;
Step4: t->next= t->next->next
delete a node at position 2

Drawbacks of a single linked list:
It is having only one pointer so that it is possible to traverse in only one way
Linked Lists
Linked list: -
Linked list is a linear data structure that works on a principle Random in Random out (RIRO). Linked list can be defined as Collection of logically adjacent nodes in which logical adjacency is maintained by pointers.
Ex: The days of the week (Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat)
Linked lists can be represented in memory by two ways they are
· Using array method 2. Using pointer method
Array method :
In array method all the elements are stored in the continuous memory locations. It is having following disadvantages they are
1. It follows static memory allocation.
2. It is not possible to extend the size of the array at runtime
3. Due to static memory allocation some memory space will be wasted.
Pointer method :
In pointer method all the data elements are represented using nodes. Each node is having data item and pointer to the next node. The elements in the list need not occupy continuous memory locations. The advantages of this method are
· Efficient memory management is possible, i.e., due to dynamic memory allocation the memory is not wasted
· It is possible to add or delete an element any ware in the list
· It is dynamic in nature
· It is possible to handle a list of any size
· It is possible to extend the size of a list at runtime
Various operations performed on lists: -
The operations performed on lists are.
1. Inserting a new element at the given position.
2. Delete the element from the given position
3. Find the length of the list
4. Read the list from left to right
5. Retrieve the ith element
6. Copy a list
7. Sort the elements in either ascending or descending order
8. Combine 2 or more list
Circular Queue Data Structure
In a standard queue data structure rebuffering problem occurs for each dequeue operation. To solve this problem by joining the front and rear ends of a queue to make the queue as a circular queue
Circular queue is a linear data structure. It follows FIFO principle.
- In circular queue the last node is connected back to the first node to make a circle.
- Circular linked list fallow the First In First Out principle
- Elements are added at the rear end and the elements are deleted at front end of the queue
- Both the front and the rear pointers points to the beginning of the array.
- It is also called as “Ring buffer”.
- Items can inserted and deleted from a queue in O(1) time.
Circular Queue can be created in three ways they are
· Using single linked list
· Using double linked list
· Using arrays
Using single linked list:
It is an extension for the basic single linked list. In circular linked list Instead of storing a Null value in the last node of a single linked list, store the address of the 1st node (root) forms a circular linked list. Using circular linked list it is possible to directly traverse to the first node after reaching the last node.
The following figure shows circular single linked list:

Using double linked list
In double linked list the right side pointer points to the next node address or the address of first node and left side pointer points to the previous node address or the address of last node of a list. Hence the above list is known as circular double linked list.
The following figure shows Circular Double linked list :-

Algorithm for creating circular linked list :-
Step 1) start
Step 2) create anode with the following fields to store information and the address of the next node.
Structure node
int info
pointer to structure node called next
Step 3) create a class called clist with the member variables of pointer to structure nodes called root, prev, next and the member functions create ( ) to create the circular linked list and display ( ) to display the circular linked list.
Step 4) create an object called ‘C’ of clist type
Step 5) call C. create ( ) member function
Step 6) call C. display ( ) member function
Step 7) stop
Algorithm for create ( ) function:-
Step 1) allocate the memory for newnode
newnode = new (node )
Step 2) newnode->next=newnode. // circular
Step 3) Repeat the steps from 4 to 5 until choice = ‘n’
Step 4) if (root=NULL)
root = prev=newnode // prev is a running pointer which points last node of a list
newnode->next = root
prev->next = newnode
prev = newnode
Step 5) Read the choice
Step 6) return
Algorithm for display ( ) function :-
Step 1) start
Step 2) declare a variable of pointer to structure node called temp, assign root to temp
temp = root
Step 3) display temp->info
Step 4) temp = temp->next
Step 5) repeat the steps 6 until temp = root
Step 6) display temp info
Step 7) temp=temp->next
Step 8) return
Using array
In arrays the range of a subscript is 0 to n-1 where n is the maximum size. To make the array as a circular array by making the subscript 0 as the next address of the subscript n-1 by using the formula subscript = (subscript +1) % maximum size. In circular queue the front and rear pointer are updated by using the above formula.
The following figure shows circular array:

Algorithm for Enqueue operation using array
Step 1. start
Step 2. if (front == (rear+1)%max)
Print error “circular queue overflow “
Step 3. else
{ rear = (rear+1)%max
Q[rear] = element;
If (front == -1 ) f = 0;
Step 4. stop
Algorithm for Dequeue operation using array
Step 1. start
Step 2. if ((front == rear) && (rear == -1))
Print error “circular queue underflow “
Step 3. else
{ element = Q[front]
If (front == rear) front=rear = -1
Front = (front + 1) % max
Step 4. stop
DeQueue Data Structure
DeQueue (or) Deque (Double ended Queue) :-
DeQueue is a data structure in which elements may be added to or deleted from the front or the rear.
Like an ordinary queue, a double-ended queue is a data structure it supports the following operations: enq_front, enq_back, deq_front, deq_back, and empty. Dequeue can be behave like a queue by using only enq_front and deq_front , and behaves like a stack by using only enq_front and deq_rear. .
The DeQueue is represented as follows.

DeQueue can be represented in two ways they are
1) Input restricted DeQueue 2) output restricted DeQueue
The out put restricted Dequeue allows deletions from only one end and input restricted Dequeue allow insertions at only one end.
The DeQueue can be constructed in two ways they are
2) Using array 2. using linked list
Algorithm to add an element into DeQueue :
Assumptions: pointer f,r and initial values are -1,-1
Q[] is an array
max represent the size of a queue
step1. Start
step2. Check the queue is full or not as if (f <>
step3. If false update the pointer f as f= f-1
step4. Insert the element at pointer f as Q[f] = element
step5. Stop
step1. Start
step2. Check the queue is full or not as if (r == max-1) if yes queue is full
step3. If false update the pointer r as r= r+1
step4. Insert the element at pointer r as Q[r] = element
step5. Stop
Algorithm to delete an element from the DeQueue
step1. Start
step2. Check the queue is empty or not as if (f == r) if yes queue is empty
step3. If false update pointer f as f = f+1 and delete element at position f as element = Q[f]
step4. If ( f== r) reset pointer f and r as f=r=-1
step5. Stop
step1. Start
step2. Check the queue is empty or not as if (f == r) if yes queue is empty
step3. If false delete element at position r as element = Q[r]
step4. Update pointer r as r = r-1
step5. If (f == r ) reset pointer f and r as f = r= -1
step6. Stop
Priority Queue
Priority queue is a linear data structure. It is having a list of items in which each item has associated priority. It works on a principle add an element to the queue with an associated priority and remove the element from the queue that has the highest priority. In general different items may have different priorities. In this queue highest or the lowest priority item are inserted in random order. It is possible to delete an element from a priority queue in order of their priorities starting with the highest priority.

The above figure represents 3 separated Queues each following FIFO behavior. Elements in the 2nd Queue are removed only, when the first Queue is empty and elements from the 3rd Queue are removed only when the 2nd Queue is empty and soon.